Dear Customers,
After a few days of no new reported issue, we can happily confirm that the e-mail notifications have resumed normally, and the underlying technical issue has been solved.
As a reminder, the notifications not sent, included:
- Confirmation of Customer Account Creation
- Confirmation of Customer Account Approval (contains the Account code for logging in)
- Confirmation of Order placed (contains the Pro-Forma invoice in PDF format)
- Confirmation of Payment processed (contains the Tax invoice in PDF format)
- As such, if you have not received one of more of these, please contact in order to receive the missing information (in bold above).
- Please mention the necessary details so that we can find your record and follow-up accordingly:
- Customer account: date of customer account created, name of company
- Order: date Order was placed, substance, Tonnage Band.
Sincere apologies for the inconvenience, which brought some disruption to our usual operations,
The ChemDataSharing team