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CAS 32612-48-9 | Data Package (Dev Tox)

Price: POA

Product Features:


Study name Short Description Data Owner
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to fish Robust Study Summary -- Title: Acute toxicity of 23 Procter and Gamble Experimental compoundds to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) | Author: Binomics Inc, 790 Main Street, Warham, Massachussets | Year: 1973 | Guideline: 203 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to fish Right to refer to study -- Title: Acute toxicity of 23 Procter and Gamble Experimental compoundds to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) | Author: Binomics Inc, 790 Main Street, Warham, Massachussets | Year: 1973 | Guideline: 203 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -