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Study name | Short Description | Data Owner |
Phys-Chem | Appearance/physical state/colour | Robust Study Summary -- Title: International Chemical Safety Card 1331 | Author: IPCS | Year: 2004 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Appearance/physical state/colour | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Certificate of Analysis | Author: Wain P. | Year: 2010 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Appearance/physical state/colour | Right to refer to study -- Title: Certificate of Analysis | Author: Wain P. | Year: 2010 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Melting point/freezing point | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Vapor Pressure of Pure Substances | Author: Stull D.R. | Year: 1947 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Boiling point | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology | Author: Kirk-Othmer | Year: 1966 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Density | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Certificate of analysis of Benzyl Acetate | Author: Wain Peter | Year: 2010 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Density | Right to refer to study -- Title: Certificate of analysis of Benzyl Acetate | Author: Wain Peter | Year: 2010 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Eine Neue Universelle Damfdruck-formal (A New Universal Vapor Pressure Equation) | Author: Riedel L. | Year: 1954 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. | - |
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Vapor pressure of pure substances | Author: Stull D.R. | Year: 1947 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. | - |
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure | Robust Study Summary -- Title: DIPPR 801 Database | Author: AIChemE | Year: 2010 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. | - |
Phys-Chem | Water solubility | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Mutual Binary Solubilities: Water-Alcohols and Water-Esters | Author: Stephenson R. & Stuart J. | Year: 1986 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. | - |
Phys-Chem | Partition coefficient | Robust Study Summary -- Title: OctanoI Water Partition Coefficients of Simple Organic Compounds | Author: Sangster J. | Year: 1989 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Partition coefficient | Robust Study Summary -- Title: A new sustituent constant (pi) derived from partition coefficients | Author: Fujita T Iwasa J Hansch C | Year: 1964 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Oxidising properties | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Expert statement on the oxidizing properties of Benzyl Acetate (CAS 140-11-4) | Author: Brady D. | Year: 2010 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. | - |
Phys-Chem | Flash point | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Organic Solvents: Physical Properties and Methods of Purification | Author: Riddick J.A., Bunger W.B. | Year: 1970 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Auto-ignition temperature | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Fire Protection Handbook | Author: Tryon G. H. | Year: 1962 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Benzyl Acetate Skin Irritation to the Rabbit | Author: Parcell B. I. | Year: 1994 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion | Right to refer to study -- Title: Benzyl Acetate Skin Irritation to the Rabbit | Author: Parcell B. I. | Year: 1994 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Toxicological | Eye irritation | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Benzyl Acetate Eye irritaiton to the Rabbit | Author: Parcell B. I. | Year: 1994 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Toxicological | Eye irritation | Right to refer to study -- Title: Benzyl Acetate Eye irritaiton to the Rabbit | Author: Parcell B. I. | Year: 1994 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Salmonella Mutagenicity Tests: II. Results from the Testing of 270 Chemicals. | Author: Mortelmans K. et al. | Year: 1986 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in mammalian cells | Robust Study Summary -- Title: The mutagenic activity of selected compounds at the TK locus: rodent vs. human cells. | Author: Caspary W.J. et al. | Year: 1988 | Guideline: 476 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | in vitro cytogenicity study in mammalian cells (CA) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Re-evaluation of chromosomal aberration induction on nine mouse lymphoma assay 'unique positive' NTP carcinogens | Author: Matsuoka A. et al. | Year: 1996 | Guideline: 473 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: SCREENING OF TOBACCO SMOKE CONSTITUENTS FOR MUTAGENICITY USING THE AMES' TEST | Author: Florin I. et al. | Year: 1980 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Toxicological | Genetic toxicity in vivo | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Measurement of Unscheduled DNA Synthesis and S-Phase Synthesis in Rodent Hepatocytes Following In Vivo Treatment: Testing of 24 Compounds | Author: Mirsalis J.C. et al. | Year: 1989 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Genetic toxicity in vivo | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Evaluation of a Three-Exposure Mouse Bone Marrow Micronucleus Protocol: Results With 49 Chemicals | Author: Shelby M.D. et al. | Year: 1993 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Food Flavourings and Compounds of Rehlted Structure Acute Oral Toxicity | Author: Jenner P.M. et al. | Year: 1964 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Toxicology and carcinogenesis of benzyl acetate (CAS NO. 140-11-4) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies) | Author: Abdo K. et al | Year: 1986 | Guideline: 401 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Toxicology and carcinogenesis of benzyl acetate (CAS NO. 140-11-4) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies) | Author: Abdo K. et al | Year: 1986 | Guideline: 401 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: inhalation | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Benzyl Acetate Acute Inhalation Toxicity in Rats 4-Hour Exposure | Author: Jackson G. C. | Year: 1997 | Guideline: 403 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: inhalation | Right to refer to study -- Title: Benzyl Acetate Acute Inhalation Toxicity in Rats 4-Hour Exposure | Author: Jackson G. C. | Year: 1997 | Guideline: 403 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: dermal | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Dermal Toxicity | Author: Moreno O.M | Year: 1972 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Basic toxicokinetics | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Effects of Gavage versus Dosed Feed Administration on the Toxicokinetics of Benzyl Acetate in Rats and Mice. | Author: Yuan J.H. et al. | Year: 1995 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: weight of evidence. | - |
Toxicological | Basic toxicokinetics | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Studies on Benzyl Acetate III The Percutaneous Absorption and Disposition of [Methylene-14C]Benzyl Acetate in the Rat. | Author: Chidgey M.A.J., Kennedy J.F., and Caldwell J. | Year: 1987 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: weight of evidence. | - |
Toxicological | Basic toxicokinetics | Robust Study Summary -- Title: NTP TECHNICAL REPORT ON THE TOXICOLOGY AND CARCINOGENESIS STUDIES OF BENZYL ACETATE (CAS NO. 140-11-4) IN F344/N RATS AND B6C3F 1 MICE (GAVAGE STUDIES) | Author: Abdo K et al | Year: 1986 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: weight of evidence. | - |
Toxicological | Repeated dose toxicity: oral | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Toxicology and carcinogenesis of benzyl acetate (CAS NO. 140-11-4) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies) | Author: Abdo K. et al | Year: 1986 | Guideline: 407 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Toxicity to reproduction | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Lack of tumorigenicity of sodium benzoate in mice | Author: Toth B. | Year: 1984 | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: N. | - |
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to fish | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Acute and Long-term Effects of Nine Chemicals on the Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) | Author: Holcombe G.W. et al. | Year: 1995 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. | - |
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Benzyl Acetate: Acute Toxicity to Daphnia Magna | Author: Vryenhoef H. and Mullee D.M. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates | Right to refer to study -- Title: Benzyl Acetate: Acute Toxicity to Daphnia Magna | Author: Vryenhoef H. and Mullee D.M. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Eco-Tox | Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Benzyl Acetate: Algal Growth Inhibition Test | Author: Vryenhoef H. and Mullee D.M. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 201 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Eco-Tox | Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria | Right to refer to study -- Title: Benzyl Acetate: Algal Growth Inhibition Test | Author: Vryenhoef H. and Mullee D.M. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 201 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. | - |
Environmental | Biodegradation in water: screening tests | Robust Study Summary -- Title: The application of dissolved inorganic carbon measurements to the study of aerobic biodegradability | Author: Birch R.R. and Fletcher R.J. | Year: 1991 | Guideline: 301B | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. | - |
Environmental | Biodegradation in water: screening tests | Right to refer to study -- Title: The application of dissolved inorganic carbon measurements to the study of aerobic biodegradability | Author: Birch R.R. and Fletcher R.J. | Year: 1991 | Guideline: 301B | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. | - |