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Study name | Short Description | Data Owner |
Phys-Chem | Appearance/physical state/colour | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Dioctyloxostannane (CAS #870-08-6): Semi-static acute toxicity test with the crustacean species Daphnia magna (Guidelines no. 202 and EU no. C2) | Author: Hooftman RN & de Wolf JM | Year: 2004 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Water solubility | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 105 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Water solubility | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 105 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Melting point/freezing point | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 102 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Melting point/freezing point | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 102 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of Vapor Pressure | Author: Atwal SS | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 104 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of Vapor Pressure | Author: Atwal SS | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 104 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Partition coefficient | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Klimisch score: 3 - Not reliable | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Partition coefficient | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Klimisch score: 3 - Not reliable | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Density | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 109 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Density | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 109 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Particle size distribution (Granulometry)/Fibre length and diameter distribution | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 110 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Phys-Chem | Particle size distribution (Granulometry)/Fibre length and diameter distribution | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Determination of General Physico-Chemical Properties | Author: Tarran DA | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 110 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: DETERMINATION OF SKIN IRRITATION POTENTIAL USING THE EPISKIN™ RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS MODEL | Author: Warren N | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 439 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: DETERMINATION OF SKIN IRRITATION POTENTIAL USING THE EPISKIN™ RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS MODEL | Author: Warren N | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 439 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: IN VITRO SKIN CORROSION IN THE EPISKIN RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS MODEL | Author: Warren N | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 431 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: IN VITRO SKIN CORROSION IN THE EPISKIN RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS MODEL | Author: Warren N | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 431 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Skin sensitisation | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Local Lymph Node Assay in the Mouse | Author: Sanders A | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 429 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Skin sensitisation | Right to refer to study -- Title: Di-n-octyltin oxide: Local Lymph Node Assay in the Mouse | Author: Sanders A | Year: 2012 | Guideline: 429 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Acute Oral LD50 of TK-11286 in the Rat | Author: Bathe R | Year: 1972 | Guideline: 401 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral | Right to refer to study -- Title: Acute Oral LD50 of TK-11286 in the Rat | Author: Bathe R | Year: 1972 | Guideline: 401 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Dioctyloxostannane [CAS # 870-08-6]: Combined oral repeated dose toxicity study with the reproduction/developmental toxicity screening test in rats | Author: Waalkens-Berendsen DH | Year: 2004 | Guideline: 422. | - |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test with Dioctyloxostannane (Dioctyltin Oxide) | Author: Krul CAM | Year: 2002 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to fish | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Dioctyloxostannane (CAS # 870-08-6) Semi-static acute toxicity test with the zebra fish Brachydanio rerio | Author: Hooftman RN & de Wolf JM | Year: 2004 | Guideline: 203 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Dioctyloxostannane (CAS #870-08-6): Semi-static acute toxicity test with the crustacean species Daphnia magna (Guidelines no. 202 and EU no. C2) | Author: Hooftman RN & de Wolf JM | Year: 2004 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Report of the Test for Acute Toxicity of TK 10975 to Daphnia magna OECD-Guideline No. 202 Paris 1984 | Author: Rufli H | Year: 1988 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates | Right to refer to study -- Title: Report of the Test for Acute Toxicity of TK 10975 to Daphnia magna (OECD-Guideline No. 202 Paris, 1984) | Author: Rufli H | Year: 1988 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. | - |
Environmental | Biodegradation in water: screening tests | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Dioctyloxostannane (CAS # 870-08-6): Determination of the ready biodegradability in a Manometric Respiration Test. (OECD Guideline No. 301F EU C.4-D) | Author: Hanstveit R | Year: 2003 | Guideline: 301F | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study. | - |